TNT Artspirations Web Site

Tuesday, 24 May 2022


 Hello Friends,

I hope this finds you well and in a safe part of our world.

Currently, I'm working on Book 4 in my "Tales of Ellmoria" fantasy series. "The Lost Scroll" will be the final edition, but it comes from the first novel I wrote, inspired by a dream.

"The Lost Scroll" reveals a history that took place millennia before Book 1, "Bee Singer Queen". I didn't want to leave all my readers' beloved characters behind, so I've been knitting the old together with the new.

In Book 3, "Out of Hiding", Ari-Jondon was chosen to find the mysterious golden scroll. In Book 4, Ari's autistic step-brother, Sam, will join him in his quest. The big man will prove a more valuable companion than Ari could have ever guessed.

"The Lost Scroll" should be ready for publication by September. I believe it will bring a satisfying conclusion to the series and perhaps spring-board a new one.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your visit and love reading your comments.

Hugs & smiles,


Friday, 15 April 2022


 Hello Friends,

Many declare this "Passion Week" as it marks the time when Jesus the Christ gave himself willingly to bear our sins and purchase his spiritual bride.

Terry has been working for over a year on a drawing called, "Eye of the Passion". He began this journey a few years ago, depicting the life of Christ through graphite drawings of a single eye and the reflections in it. "Eye of the Passion" shows some of the brutality Jesus endured for our sake.

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2 KJV)

Eye of the Passion

Terry released this newest drawing on April 15 (Good Friday) of 2022. Here are his first two detailed graphite art pieces, "Eye of the Father" and "Eye of the Christ Child".

Eye of the Father

Eye of the Christ Child

Since each drawing took hundreds of hours to create, the originals are not available. However, you can order prints of Terry's work at Fine Art America. Terry has a limited number of fine art prints available. If you would like a personally signed copy, inquire at for availability.

A blessed Easter, Passover, Resurrection weekend to you. 


Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Art Journal Page

 Hello Friends,

Have you ever felt like you left your first love, the thing that started you on your art journey? Art journaling was what first ignited my passion for art and also helped me connect with God. 

But I rarely do it now. I thought that should change.

So, I pulled an old art journal from my shelf and used a Jane Davenport stencil to draw the outline of a face in profile on each side of the spread. Some people may think using stencils is cheating, but I find it's a good jump start for me, especially when I'm feeling unmotivated and uninspired.

I applied black gesso around the stenciled faces and started working on the left page, while I listened to music, adding words that inspired me.

Afterward, I painted a flat skin tone on the face on the right page. I don't know if I'll detail it too, or leave it to show the contrast between the two. 

You can see the book page underneath. I kind of like that.

Just for fun, I lightened and blurred this image in my photo software.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are keeping well and at peace in these turbulent times.

Hugs & smiles,
