TNT Artspirations Web Site

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Art Journal Page

 Hello Friends,

Have you ever felt like you left your first love, the thing that started you on your art journey? Art journaling was what first ignited my passion for art and also helped me connect with God. 

But I rarely do it now. I thought that should change.

So, I pulled an old art journal from my shelf and used a Jane Davenport stencil to draw the outline of a face in profile on each side of the spread. Some people may think using stencils is cheating, but I find it's a good jump start for me, especially when I'm feeling unmotivated and uninspired.

I applied black gesso around the stenciled faces and started working on the left page, while I listened to music, adding words that inspired me.

Afterward, I painted a flat skin tone on the face on the right page. I don't know if I'll detail it too, or leave it to show the contrast between the two. 

You can see the book page underneath. I kind of like that.

Just for fun, I lightened and blurred this image in my photo software.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are keeping well and at peace in these turbulent times.

Hugs & smiles,


1 comment:

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous jornal page, Teresa, love it! Hugs, Valerie