TNT Artspirations Web Site

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Time Management

 Hello Friends,

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the things you need or want to do, compared with the amount of time and energy available to you? I tossed my schedule to the curb this summer, but in truth, I've been feeling overwhelmed since the beginning of this year. I thought it was time to get control of my TIME.

Terry & I belong to an online artist's mentoring group led by Matt Tommey, and we often listen to his podcasts. Something that came up recently was the need to decide what kind of lifestyle you want to have, when making up your daily schedule.

I never thought of it that way. I just thought I had to stuff every bit of productivity into every day and then feel like a failure when I didn't measure up. After all, I'm in my 60s and I have no idea how many years I've got on the earth to accomplish the things I want to get done. Boy! I feel stressed just writing that down. That is definitely NOT the lifestyle I want.

So, I took a few things into consideration when I made up my new daily schedule. Yes, I thought about the things I want to accomplish, but I made them take a backseat to the lifestyle I want to adopt.

My first considerations were my energy/health level and my personality type. I am not, and have never been, a Type-A personality. I've tried to force myself into that mold and burned out quickly every time. NO MORE.

I need down time, free time, and regular rests. I need time-space to enjoy taking care of my family, without it feeling like an inconvenience; like it's keeping me from doing the things I really want to do. And I need time to pray, read and reflect. That's why my work day doesn't start until 10 a.m.

Here is my simplified daily schedule on a white board that hangs on the wall across from my desk. It affords me 16 hours of writing each 5-day week, 6 hours of art making, 4 hours of business stuff, and time for family & friends. 

Thanks for joining me for this out of the ordinary blog post.

hugs & smiles,



Valerie-Jael said...

Good to cut back and give yourself more time. As I m on my own I can always do what I want when I want, or leave it if I don't want to, that's good. Good luck with your new plan! Hugs, Valerie

Crafting With Jack said...

My goodness Teresa, that is being organised! You know artist mojo doesn’t always work that way:). So if you are in writing time and you are having problems, it is okay to step outside and go for a walk. If I am “on a roll” I couldn’t just stop, when I was at college I would work through lunch and coffee breaks, not wanting to stop creating. Now of course tiredness overwhelms me and then my brain won’t work! If you would like any Tuck images, either the originals or my altered versions let me know and I will send you some.